I don't have much to report that would excite a reader. I've been enjoying my food but you might find it boring. I still only have about 1.5 arms to work with, so have been eating the usual: salads and soups. Actually it's pretty much what's described in this post. Some of my salads were fruity, some savory. All have a base of lettuce, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, seed mixture. Then add apple, orange, frozen berries, and sweet vinegars to some, add sweet corn, peas or edamame, onion, vinegars to others. Actually onions taste good on the fruity salads too, and apples taste good on the savory salads. I bought a sample pack of Dr. Fuhrman's vinegars and have been having fun trying a different one out every meal. I'm still rating them so might make a report at some point even though I don't think it's helpful to others because it's completely a personal taste preference thing.
Food this week
I'm almost out of the soup I made two weeks ago. I'm making a new batch of beans tomorrow. That will be good mother stallard beans, with onion, garlic and mushrooms. Those will last me the week, since I'll freeze a lot of it. Tomorrow's cooked meal will be kale & sweet potato sauce, to which I'll add some of the beans. Next week I'll probably make confetti salads--I have a new version in mind so I'll try to post it tomorrow night after preparing Monday's food.
Today I made an excellent batch of housemate's smoothies. I make them pretty sweet for housemate's tastes, i.e., with extra juice and sweet fruit and dates, so I also enjoy sampling the leftovers when I prepare them.
update: here was Sunday's lunch. kale & sweet potato sauce with seed mixture on top. and beans. yum!
Posted on Saturday, February 12, 2011