Today I entertained again and had lots of fun in the kitchen and with the guests. It also kept me from paying too much attention to the stressful Packer-Bear game. But it was still stressful, especially the ending. Fortunately we won. And both teams are going to the playoffs so our Bears-fan guests weren't too devastated.
I had fruit salad for breakfast (blueberries, strawberries, bananas, mangos), and chili for lunch. I snacked on a head of romaine lettuce while preparing Dr. Fuhrman's Vegetable Bean Burritos for the game. These are excellent, way better than I was expecting! I shouldn't post the recipe since it's not on any of Dr. Fuhrman's public sites, but it's on the member site, and in the 2nd edition of Eat to Live. It's a lot of vegetables cooked up with spices and pinto beans, and cashew cream. The cashew cream and spices added really nice flavor and creaminess. Yum! Here's a picture of it in a big pan (it makes a lot!):

I ate mine on lettuce:

The others had theirs on flour tortillas. I had actually purchased some healthy sprouted wheat tortillas but the filling was so good, I just wanted to enjoy it on lettuce. We also had salsa, guacamole and fruit (apples, bananas). I didn't eat much of that, but I ate some ice cream later from the leftover bananas. That was more than I needed. I have a hard time resisting frozen bananas.
Then I fixed tomorrow's meals.