Our roads. Our air. Our food options. Our water. Our sidewalks. Our local laws. Our transportation options. Our schools. Our access to health services. Our social support.
Each of these elements within our communities — or sometimes the lack thereof — plays a significant role in whether or not we’re able to eat healthy, be physically active, breathe freely or get preventive care. They help determine whether or not we’re healthy.
On the second day of National Public Health Week, as we focus on the role that where we lives plays on our health, it’s a good time to think about how we get the word out. How do we make sure that people understand that simply providing health insurance to all Americans isn’t enough to make us healthy? How do get our family, our neighbors, OUR COMMUNITY, to demand that we invest in ensuring that the places we live are supportive of our health?
The Healthiest Nation in One Generation video makes the case and one way to get the word out is to make sure as many people as possible have a chance to see it.
Another great opportunity is to contact your legislators. Make sure they know that their constituents want to ensure that public health is the foundation of health reform.
What other ideas do you have for helping our communities understand that health involves more than just individual behaviors and health care?