okay I looked up the word redux and I might not be using it right, but the English language is ever changing.
For the longest time, I've been making housemate's smoothies in big batches on Sat. morning. This week I was gone on the weekend so just made them in smaller batches and decided I like that! This is partly because I changed my schedule. I decided to work 75% time this summer, and boy is it nice. It allows me to do my food prep in the mornings and mosey on into work at 10 am. So there's time to make fresh smoothies every other day and freeze the second one.
These smoothies are good for SAD (Standard American Diet) guests who are used to eating sweet food. They are too sweet for me. I'm not sure I'd call them healthy because they are so sweet (too much fruit juice), but they are nutritious.
Ingredients for 2 smoothies (16-20 oz each):
18-20 oz (550-600 g) frozen fruit/berries
12 oz grape juice
2 Tbsp sunflower seeds or other seeds or nuts
3 oz spinach
supplements if desired (better than swallowing pills)
Blend the juice, nuts/seeds, spinach and supplements. Add the frozen fruit and blend until smooth. Pour into two tall cups. I give one to housemate and freeze the other for tomorrow. Note: don't use flaxseeds or chia seeds if you are freezing. They give it a jelly-like consistency when thawed.
Archive for June 2011
housemate smoothie redux
Channa Saag (sort of), and some blathering
Okay, so time to pick a recipe. How about Channa Saag (Spicy Chickpeas with Spinach). Now all the substitutions start because no way am I going to work hard at this, it's just lunch! And since I made so many substitutions I can call it a new recipe and post it.
Ingredients for a 1 large serving or 2 small:
1/2 medium onion
1 garlic clove
1-2 medium tomatoes or 1/2 can
1 green chili or other pepper (I didn't use any, don't like them anymore)
1/2 tsp garam masala (the recipe called for tamarind powder but my co-op doesn't have it, and I didn't want to buy a big jar of concentrated tamarind for one lunch recipe, so I used garam masala and boy was that good!)
1/2-1 tsp curry
---(the recipe called for coriander powder which I don't really like so I didn't include it)
8 oz of spinach (wo that's a lot! amazing how it cooks down though).
1.5 cups beans (recipe calls for chickpeas, who cares what kind of beans you use!)
cayenne pepper if you want (not me!)
herbs from the garden (not in the recipe, optional): I threw in a lot of cilantro and chives, and a little dill and rosemary (because they were there).
Water saute the onion and garlic until tender. Add the spices and herbs and peppers, cook for a few minutes. Add the spinach, cook until it wilts, a few minutes. Add in the beans, cook until heated. Serve.
It was a great meal after a hard mountain bike ride. Really yummy!
Great food in Springfield, IL!
I also got some mushrooms at another stand. That plus my current stock of beans, seeds, carrots, and fruit will get me home tomorrow.
I have to remember that on my next trip. Find the farmer's markets!
Some updates
I went to a conference a few days ago for fun, called the Big Learning Event. There were some things that I didn't like about it, but one of the speakers blew me away. She was the one I least expected to identify with, Lily Yeh, an artist--here's another link describing her work. Her story is amazing, what she has done is amazing, and, even more amazing to me is she has inspired me to start painting--me, who has always said I have no aptitude or interest in art. But not only that, she showed me how we can save the world. I knew already that I have the knowledge to save the world (nutritarianism!) but I didn't know how to proceed. I've been stymied by this for the past 2 years. This has led me to be unfulfilled in my job because it didn't seem as important (astronomy compared to saving the world).
Here is what I'm going to do: free nutritional counseling. I can only do it for 10 hours a week, but it will be my community service project. I hope to target people without health insurance and with limited income. But I will gladly advise anyone interested to improve their health, time permitting. I'm going to start with a website. I'm hoping this will allow my 10 hours per week to benefit a larger number of clients. How will this save the world? If we all become nutritarians, we help halt global warming (eating lots of meat is our biggest contribution!), we prevent bankrupcy of governments and people due to health care costs, and we improve our lives dramatically.
So I will be distracted for the next few weeks working on the website. Does anyone know if you can get free web-hosting for community service projects???
Also, the reason I want to paint? Because sometimes it's emotionally very difficult for me to be a nutritarian in a non-nutritarian world. It's not an emotion I feel compelled to express in words or music. but painting or drawing? I can definitely see that. I just need to let the emotions out. I don't need to share them with anyone or process them. I just want to release them.
What do you think of my counseling/website idea? Good, bad? Your feedback on the website will be valuable!
Oh yeah, my other update is, I decided I shouldn't make deals with the devil. That's not good nutritarian behavior. It's one thing to slip up, or be in a rare situation where compromise is a reasonable option and well within Dr. Fuhrman's "Life Plan" (10%) parameters, but I don't think I should plan to eat SAD food just for the fun of it, should I????
usual trip salads
Motivation recommendations
I was asked what my latest book recommendations are for motivation and positive psychology/happiness. I have the books listed in my "Recommended books" section at right. At the top of the list are the why and how-to books on eating for health, then cookbooks, and at the bottom are motivation/positive pyschology books. I just updated that list with a new one, Get off Your But, by Sean Stephenson and Anthony Robbins. So now what do I recommend in what order?
If you don't want to read any and just want a 3-sentence summary it is this (see below for another useful take-home point #4): 1) There are no excuses. 2) Just do it. 3) Happiness comes from overcoming challenges, not from pleasure-giving activities (such as watching tv or eating ice cream). Regarding point #1, Get off your but has lots of inspirational stories. Regarding point #2, You can read all the books you want but it finally has to come from you. Regarding point #3, you will be very happy when you do make the changes. It is very hard, no doubt about it, but you will overcome and that will bring you GREAT satisfaction and ultimately happiness.
If you want to read just one, I think I recommend Get off Your But. It is very inspirational and has lots of activities to help you on your journey.
If you want to read more, I have them ordered by how I liked them but it is very personal, so you may not agree with my ordering. I also would like to point out The Pleasure Trap, which is more science and psychology but it shows why we desire processed foods and why we should avoid them (this is available in both book and DVD). It helps you understand that this isn't about you being weak and bad, but about the food being bad and dangerous. Let me emphasize this as take-home point #4) The food is bad, not you!
If you like to learn and to stay motivated, then I recommend all of these books. What I do is buy the audio versions and listen to them on my ipod while doing my food prep. I think this is fun. And then I save my other enjoyable books for my night-time reading.
My deal with the Devil
I made a deal with the devil (devil-barbie) on Mar. 13. We agreed that if I could eat perfectly for 12 weeks, I could have a day of eating SAD (Standard American Diet) food---well, in my case, that's vegan SAD food since I'm a vegan for other reasons than health. By eating perfectly that means following Dr. Fuhrman's 6-week plan without overeating. I outlined my program in this post. I just realized I didn't quite make 12 weeks. Wo, devil-barbie is clever--she miscalculated and told me 12 weeks was last weekend. Okay, so I made it 11.5 weeks. I'll double-check my calculations next time. Also, my SAD day turned into 2. Then I had a hangover day yesterday, and today I feel great again and ever so happy to be back. As usual, I don't think the lack of sleep and feeling yucky was worth it. I'm amazed at how high I get from eating a white-flour tortilla (that was from a vegan burrito). It really is true that processed grains have the same effect as sugar. I also get high from decaff coffee and chocolate, not that I need to remind myself of that! One of my treats was an oil-free granola and soy milk. That's not even that bad, except for a relatively small amount of maple syrup, so I'm glad for that. I could definitely make a healthy version of that with dates instead of maple syrup.
Update a week later: I've had this feeling the last week that this deal with the devil idea is a really bad idea. First there's the obvious reason that each time you eat SAD food, you may never return from it. Talk about a slippery slope. And second, it's just not good nutritarian behavior. I think we should not give SAD food to ourselves as a reward. I'm not saying I won't ever slip up in the future, but it should be my aim to not slip up. I shouldn't plan to slip up. I've also realized that you have to say no a lot, even in the nutritarian universe. You have to say no when you've eaten enough, you have to say no to too many dates and nuts and fruit and beans, and even carrots. You can eat too much of anything. Once you have been off SAD food for several weeks, I'm not sure it's any harder to say no to that than to say no to too many pieces of corn on the cob, or cherries, or strawberries. My SAD deviations the last few times started out as nutritarian deviations--too much of a good thing.